Critical building blocks for ATCA/MicroTCA

CorEdge Networks Inc. has developed an extensive suite of working products that can facilitate rapid low cost market entry by companies interested in developing ATCA/MicroTCA products.

Whatever you need to complete your market entry plans, CorEdge can help.


CorEdge Networks Inc. has developed an extensive suite of products that support high availability applications based on industry standards (ATCA and MicroTCA). It is a leading player in the standards activities comprising the ATCA/MicroTCA ecosystem.

CorEdge Networks
PicoTCA Hardware Product Family

PicoTCA/MicroTCA/AMC 1U Standalone Test & Development System v2.0

PicoTCA/MicroTCA/AMC Test & Development System v2.0 with RTM

PicoTCA 2U/3U/4U Erector Set Systems

PicoTCA/AMC Test Cards
10Gbps Reprogrammable AMC Line Card (CEN-RL10)
80Gbps Reprogrammabke AMC Switch Card (CEN-RS80)

CorEdge Networks MicroTCA Carrier Hub (MCH) v2.7

CorEdge Networks MicroTCA Power Module v1.0

CorEdge Networks AdvancedTCA Shelf Management Module v1.0

Advanced-Platforms Ltd, is the local value added reseller and support for CorEdge Networks products. This lets us offer our customers the full range of hardware and software solutions for High Availibility Infrastructure.

Company is Dormant.