About Advanced-Platforms
Today's technologies are as follows: Growing acceptance of COTS hardware product based on the PICMG AdvancedTCA, MicroTCA and the earlier CompactPCI 2.16 specifications. Reliability push from 99.999% to 99.9999% Emergence of COTS firmware/middleware product based on SAF HPI.

Vision and Mission

Vision Statement -

A vision statement defines what an organisation desires to be. The vision represents the ultimate goal that an organisation sets its sights on, even though it may not yet be able to fully meet the goal. The following vision captures the focus that we have for the future of this company.

It is our vision to be recognized as the pre-eminent company providing high availability computer infrastructures from the chassis metalwork, through the backplane and control electronics to the systems middleware.

Mission -

The mission statement defines the day-to-day purpose of the organisation and the steps it takes to reach its vision. The following is the mission for the organisation.

To ensure that our customer’s mission-critical hardware and software systems are of the highest quality and are reliable and safe by applying sensible vertical integration from shelf to the system manager using software and systems expertise and tools, while researching new approaches, deploying innovative solutions, providing a learning environment, and participating in the vitality of the high availability community.

Core Values -

Values—what the organisation believes in—are the behaviours or characteristics that are held in high regard in all that is done both within and outside the organisation.

Doing what was said would be done; having trust; being honest, fair, and accountable, both personally and organizationally; having steadfast ethical conduct; living by high standards of individual behaviour.

Working together; supporting each other; collaborating effectively; sharing accomplishments and successes; providing collective wisdom; being responsible; helping others; leveraging synergy; exhibiting open communication.

Noticing individual worth; being open-minded; accepting diversity; seeking first to understand and then to be understood; having credibility; empowering oneself and others; welcoming every idea; listening; being civil.

Producing quality goods and services; doing the right thing; performing second to none; practicing continuous improvement; being distinctive, creative, and committed; leading in best practices; being efficient.

Being well rounded with work, family, and self; balancing professional and personal time; giving to the community; practicing wellness of living; having a balanced involvement that enhances all; being there; coaching others.

Seeking better ways or new methods to do things; being imaginative to enhance processes; staying on the leading edge; being original, agile, adaptive, and responsive to change.

Being safe and ensuring personal safety for employees and the public; providing security for everyone and secured protection of our resources and assets; being good stewards.

Company is Dormant.